About SPRC


SPRC’s Mission is to promote the development, implementation, and expansion of Intercity Passenger Rail as part of an integrated national transportation network. It accomplishes this by working together with a non-partisan approach to:

  • Promote research, planning, development, implementation, operation, sustainability, and expansion of publicly supported intercity passenger rail service throughout the United States,
  • Facilitate coordination and cooperation among state officials and between the public and private sector at all levels (federal, state, and local),
  • Advocate and assist in the pursuit of state and federal funding to support on-going development of America’s passenger rail system, and
  • Support current efforts and projects managed by state transportation departments.

The Coalition offers a centralized forum to interact with decision-makers, stakeholders, and advocacy groups to share information and provide direction in support of intercity passenger rail. Also, the Coalition serves as the sole “states-only” passenger rail organization whose involvement includes Amtrak’s state-supported routes, the Northeast Corridor, and the national long-distance network.

Our Vision

An expanded intercity passenger rail network integrated into our national transportation system that improves mobility, supports economic growth, promotes equity, protects the environment, and enhances quality of life.


  • Intercity passenger rail, and especially high-speed rail, represent viable and attractive transportation options.
  • The states are, and will continue to be, the primary agencies responsible for implementing new or enhanced intercity passenger rail service.
  • Many states are working to develop rail services, with resulting goals and needs that are remarkably similar from corridor to corridor. States should unite to leverage common interests and be sure that these needs are fulfilled in all areas of the country that can benefit from passenger rail.
  • Development and expansion of intercity passenger rail services, especially high-speed rail services, must feature a strong federal financial role in partnerships with states.
  • A united group of states may find benefits by sharing information on policy, initiatives, technical developments and innovative implementation methods.
  • A coalition offers a centralized forum to interact with stakeholders and advocacy groups to share information and offer direction in support of intercity passenger rail

State Programs


California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)

From roads less traveled to highways supporting California’s demanding commute. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) manages more than 50,000 miles of California’s highway and freeway lanes, provides inter-city rail services, permits more than 400 public-use airports and special-use hospital heliports, and works with local agencies to keep California moving. More than the road workers, we are California’s transportation infrastructure; established in 1895, Caltrans has been active in moving the people and commerce of California and continues to model the way in innovative transportation systems.

Kyle Gradinger, Chief, Division of Rail and Mass Transportation

Andy Cook, Chief, Rail Planning Branch

California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA)

The California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) is a cabinet-level agency focused solely on addressing the state’s transportation issues.

Chad Edison, Chief Deputy Secretary, Rail and Transit

Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA)

The Capitol Corridor is an intercity rail service connecting the most economically vibrant urban centers in the Northern California megaregion – from the Sacramento capital, to the tech hub of Silicon Valley, and including San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley. With a Cafe Car and free wi-fi on board, Capitol Corridor trains provide a convenient, reliable, and comfortable alternative to the congested I-80, I-680, and I-880 freeways for both work and leisure travelers. The extensive network of bus connections further extends the Capitol Corridor’s reach to destinations like Reno, Lake Tahoe, Santa Cruz, and Monterey.

Robert Padgette, Managing Director

Los Angeles – San Diego – San Luis Obispo Rail Corridor (LOSSAN Corridor)

The 351-mile Los Angeles – San Diego – San Luis Obispo Rail Corridor (LOSSAN Corridor) travels through a six-county coastal region in Southern California and is the second busiest intercity passenger rail corridor in the United States and the busiest state-supported Amtrak route. The LOSSAN Corridor service includes 41 stations and more than 150 daily passenger trains, with an annual ridership of nearly 3 million on Amtrak Pacific Surfliner intercity trains and 5 million on Metrolink and COASTER commuter trains.

Jason Jewell, Managing Director

Chris Orlando, Deputy Managing Director

San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority (SJJPA)

In April 1995, the seven cities and the County of San Joaquin approved a joint powers agreement that created the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission (SJRRC). The purpose of the SJRRC was to improve existing rail service and implement a rail system in San Joaquin County. This included pursuing the participation and agreements for commuter rail service with both Santa Clara and Alameda counties. The SJJRC JPA established a five-person board of directors with board members appointed by the San Joaquin Council of Governments.

Brian Schmidt, Director of Equipment Services

David Lipari, Marketing Manager


Colorado Department of Transportation

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is committed to saving lives and making people’s lives better. In working towards that goal, we believe every one of our employees plays a critical role. From the Highway Maintenance Worker that plows the roads for the morning commute, to the Civil Engineer that oversees construction for an expansion of roadway, these positions (and many more!) work together to ensure that Colorado has a safe and efficient highway system.

Cody Hedges, Senior Rail and Transit Planner

Front Range Passenger Rail District

Front Range Passenger Rail (FRPR) is a passenger train service that will connect Front Range Coloradans to opportunities, adventure, and each other. Initially offering service from Fort Collins through Denver and south to Pueblo, FRPR inter-city train service has the long-term vision of connecting Colorado to New Mexico and Wyoming. FRPR will use existing tracks shared with freight railroads to minimize costs and accelerate the service start date.

Chrissy Breit, Program Coordinator


Connecticut Department of Transportation

The mission of the Connecticut Department of Transportation is to provide a safe and efficient intermodal transportation network that improves the quality of life and promotes economic vitality for the State and the region.

Eric Bergeron, Assistant Rail Administrator

Thomas Aparo, Rail Officer


Illinois Department of Transportation

The Illinois Department of Transportation provides safe, cost-effective transportation for Illinois in ways that enhance the quality of life, promote economic prosperity, and demonstrate respect for the environment.

John Oimoen’s, Deputy Director of Railroads


Indiana Department of Transportation

Established in 1919 as the Indiana State Highway Commission, INDOT provides a dynamic workplace while serving Indiana citizens, improving quality of life, and enhancing economic opportunity. INDOT’s programs and projects – including Public-Private Partnerships, Green Initiatives, and innovative uses of materials and assets – offer exciting opportunities for transportation and engineering professionals.

Venetta Keefe, Rail Programs Office, Manager

Kristin Brier, Multimodal Director


Iowa Department of Transportation

The Iowa Department of Transportation advocates for and delivers a modern transportation system that provides pathways for the social and economic vitality of Iowa, getting our customer’s where they need to go safely, efficiently, and conveniently.

Amanda Martin, Rail Director

Edward Engle, Transportation Engineer Specialist


Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD)

Our Vision: To move Louisiana onward by delivering a safe and innovative multimodal transportation and infrastructure system. Our Mission: Plan, design, build and sustain a safe and reliable multimodal transportation and infrastructure system that enhances mobility and economic opportunity.

Dean Goodell, Freight and Passenger Rail Director

Renee Lapeyrolerie, Commissioner of Multimodal Commerce


Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA)

The Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA) is the public transportation authority that manages the Amtrak Downeaster service. It was created in 1995 by the Maine State Legislature to develop and oversee the restoration and operation of passenger rail service between Maine and Boston and points within Maine.

Patricia Quinn, Executive Director

Brian Beeler with Catherine Davidson


Massachusetts Department of Transportation

Our mission is to deliver excellent customer service to people traveling in the Commonwealth by providing transportation infrastructure, which is safe, reliable, robust, and resilient. We work to provide a transportation system which can strengthen the state’s economy and improve the quality of life for all.

Meredith Slesinger, Rail and Transit Administrator

John Weston, Rail Program Specialist

Andrew Koziol, West-East Rail Director


Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)

The MDOT is a diverse, innovative agency of approximately 2,800 employees serving Michigan citizens in offices throughout the state. Using cutting-edge technology and multi-disciplinary partnerships, MDOT oversees the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance for over 9,600 miles of I, US, and M routes that are the backbone of the state’s economy. From aviation, intercity passenger service, rail freight and local public transit services, MDOT is involved in all modes of transportation. Through numerous employee engagement programs and mentoring opportunities, employees are provided opportunities to thrive in their careers and in doing so, improve the lives of Michigan residents and visitors.

Jeffrey Martin, Equipment Program Analyst

Peter Anastor, Office of Rail Director


Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)

Dan Krom, Director, Passenger Rail Office

Greg Mathis, Office of Freight & Commercial Vehicle Operations


Missouri Department of Transportation

The Missouri Department of Transportation is comprised of 5000+ individuals who work collaboratively to provide a world-class transportation experience that is safe, innovative, reliable and dedicated to a prosperous Missouri. With seven districts and three regional offices, twenty-two divisions, and at least one maintenance shed in every county, our employees come to work every day, ready to make a difference in every community in Missouri.

Troy Hughes, Administrator of Railroads

Bryan Ross, Railroad Operations Manager


New Mexico Department of Transportation

The New Mexico Department of Transportation’s goal is to provide a safe and efficient transportation system for the traveling public, while promoting economic development and preserving the environment of New Mexico.

David C. Harris, Transit and Rail Division Director

William Craven, Rail Bureau Chief


New York State Department of Transportation

It is the mission of the New York State Department of Transportation to ensure our customers – those who live, work and travel in New York State — have a safe, efficient, balanced and environmentally sound transportation system.

Ray Hessinger, Director, Freight & Passenger Rail Bureau

Alan Warde, Acting Head, Statewide Policy Development Section


North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)

Connecting people, products and places safely and efficiently with customer focus, accountability and environmental sensitivity to enhance the economy and vitality of North Carolina.

Jason Orthner, Director, Rail Division

Jonathan Dees, Strategic Programs Consultant


Oregon Department of Transportation

Oregon Department of Transportation provides a safe and reliable multimodal transportation system that connects people and helps Oregon’s communities and economy thrive.

Michael Jenkins, Procurement/Contracts Specialist

Jennifer Sellers, Passenger Rail Program Manager


Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

PennDOT oversees programs and policies affecting highways, urban and rural public transportation, airports, railroads, ports, and waterways. More than three-quarters of PennDOT’s annual budget is invested in Pennsylvania’s approximately 120,000 miles of state and local highways and 32,000 state and local bridges. PennDOT is directly responsible for nearly 40,000 miles of highway and roughly 25,400 bridges, a system first established in 1911.

Stephen Panko, Rail Planning Manager

Angela Watson, Director, Bureau of Rail, Freight, Ports and Waterways


Tennessee Department of Transportation

TDOT is the department of transportation for the State of Tennessee, with multimodal responsibilities in roadways, aviation, public transit, waterways, and railroads. The core agency mission of TDOT is to provide a safe and reliable transportation system for people, goods, and services that supports economic prosperity in Tennessee.

Daniel Pallme, Director, Freight and Logistics


Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans)

With oversight from the Vermont Legislature, the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) is responsible for planning, development, implementation, and maintenance of a variety of transportation infrastructure including, but not limited to, roads, bridges, state-owned railroads, airports, park and ride facilities, bicycle facilities, pedestrian paths, public transportation facilities and services, and Department of Motor Vehicles operations and motor carrier enforcement. VTrans serves the entire population of the State of Vermont.

Dan Delabruere, Rail and Aviation Bureau Director


Virginia Passenger Rail Authority

The mission of the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority is to sustain, improve, identify, encourage, and promote an increase in passenger rail capacity, services and ridership to mitigate current and future traffic congestion on Commonwealth highways and promote economic development of the Commonwealth through connecting population centers with passenger and commuter rail service and increasing availability of such service.

Jeremy Latimer, Director of Rail Services, Virginia Passenger Rail Authority

Michael McLaughlin, Chief Operating Officer


Washington State Department of Transportation

WSDOT keeps people, businesses and the economy moving by operating and improving the state’s multimodal transportation system. In addition to building and maintaining the state highway system, WSDOT is responsible for the state ferry system, and works in partnership with others to maintain and improve local roads, railroads and airports, as well as to support alternatives to driving, such as public transportation, bicycles and pedestrian programs.

Ron Pate, Director – Rail, Freight, and Ports Division

Jason Biggs, Rail, Freight, and Ports Program Manager


Wisconsin Department of Transportation

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) supports all forms of transportation. The department is responsible for planning, building and maintaining Wisconsin’s network of state highways and Interstate highway system. The department shares the costs of building and operating county and local transportation systems – from highways to public transit and other modes. WisDOT plans, promotes and financially supports statewide air, rail and water transportation, as well as bicycle and pedestrian facilities.

Rich Kedzior, Passenger Rail Program Manager

Lisa Stern, Chief of Railroads and Harbors