


Sacramento to Roseville Third Track Service Expansion Phase 1

State or JPA: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $190,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $152,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $38,000,000

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor, up to 15 new cars (TBD), 8 miles of new track, existing PTC applied, improve freight capacity by separating passenger and freight rail traffic. No federal funds yet identified. NEPA not permitted until there are federal funds per FRA. Federal 80%/State, Local, Private 20% shares are for illustrative purposes only and any proposed project shares may differ.

Sacramento to Roseville Third Track Service Expansion Phase 2

State or JPA: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $254,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $203,200,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $50,800,000

Seven additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor, up to 20 new cars, 10 miles new track, existing PTC applied, improve freight capacity by separating passenger and freight rail traffic. No federal funds identified. NEPA not permitted until there are fed funds per FRA. Federal 80%/State, Local, Private 20% shares are for illustrative purposes only and any proposed project shares may differ.

South Bay Connect (Coast Subdivision Reroute)

State or JPA: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $349,442,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $279,553,600
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $69,888,400

One city served by new passenger rail corridor, one new or improved station, reduce passenger rail travel time by 13 minutes, 17.3 miles of PTC, improve freight capacity by separating passenger and freight rail traffic. Re-route of existing service. No federal funds identified. NEPA not permitted until there are fed funds per FRA. Intermodal (w/bus connex) with new station. Federal 80%/State, Local, Private 20% shares are for illustrative purposes only and any proposed project shares may differ.

Santa Clara Siding

State or JPA: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $7,500,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $6,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,500,000

0.5 mile siding in single track territory, improved fluidity of passenger train operations will have added benefit for freight trains as well. Statutorily Exempt-within existing rail Right-of-way. Federal 80%/State, Local, Private 20% shares are for illustrative purposes only and any proposed project shares may differ.

Stege Crossover and Signal Upgrades

State or JPA: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $25,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $20,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $5,000,000

Improved reliability of signal system achieved by upgrading outdated signal equipment. Statutorily Exempt-within existing rail Right-of-way. Federal 80%/State, Local, Private 20% shares are for illustrative purposes only and any proposed project shares may differ.

Davis Station Platform Replacement and Track Improvements

State or JPA: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $40,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $32,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $8,000,000

One new or improved station. Eliminate danger from passengers crossing active main line track to reach their train. Provide ADA accessible 8 inch above top rail platform for both main tracks. Currently only one main track served with accessible platform, other track served by boarding off pedestrian crossings. Eliminate hold-out rule to improve freight train operation and corridor fluidity. Project Partners are Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority, City of Davis, Amtrak and Union Pacific Railroad. Federal 80%/State, Local, Private 20% shares are for illustrative purposes only and any proposed project shares may differ.

Sacramento Valley Station (SVS) Transit Center

State or JPA: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $6,014,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $4,811,200
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,202,800

One new or improved station. Federal 80%/State, Local, Private 20% shares are for illustrative purposes only and any proposed project shares may differ.

Chicago–Milwaukee Hiawatha Increase to 10 Round-trips

State or JPA: Wisconsin / Illinois

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $180,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $144,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $36,000,000

This project would construct railroad improvements to enable three additional round trips, improve one station, add one locomotive and six coaches, and imorove freight flow through the Milwaukee and Chicago areas.

Twin Cities–Milwaukee–Chicago Empire Builder route additional frequency Next Generation Equipment

State or JPA: Wisconsin / Minnesota

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $56,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $44,800,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $11,200,000

This project would provide consistent equipment for the new Twin Cities-Milwaukee-Chicago additional intercity passenger rail frequency. That project has been funded for final design and construction of infrastructure improvements under the CRISI program. A 100% federal share for this equipment would avoid state statutory limitations .

Hiawatha Station Technology and Accessibility Project

State or JPA: Wisconsin

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $3,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $2,400,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $600,000

This project consists of two components: 1) Install Passenger Information Systems at Sturtevant, Milwaukee Airport, and Milwaukee Intermodal. $2M., and 2) Replace existing canopy on east platform with cantilevered canopy to improve accessibility. Will match canopy on new west platform. $1M. The Hiawatha station technology and accessibility project will modernize the station experience, provide necessary information to passengers, and most importantly, better meet ADA standards. The project installs digital signage with real-time departure, arrival, and track information for passengers and includes screens and automated announcements.

Hiawatha Sealed Corridor Grade Crossing Improvement Project

State or JPA: Wisconsin

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $12,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $9,600,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $2,400,000

This project completes upgrades to all public crossings, installing either median barriers or quad gates. This is a significant safety upgrade and could enable speed increases to decrease travel time pending negotiations with the railroad. The total project cost is $12 million based on 24 crossings and an average estimate of $375,000 per crossing with an addition of 30% contingency assumption. The Hiawatha sealed corridor grade crossing improvement project will bring the corridor to a new level of safety with the most robust grade crossing protections available, and will set up corridor for potential future speed increases.

Chicago-Carbondale Corridor Improvements; package may include up to 5 individual projects that add capacity to existing CN-owned corridor between Chicago- Carbondale.

State or JPA: Illinois

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $100,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $80,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $20,000,000

Would result in 80% on-time-performance with more fluidity to CN corridor with crossovers and sidings.

Supplemental Single-Level Cars Accommodate future growth of Midwest-owned fleet

State or JPA: Illinois

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $210,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $210,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $0

Preliminary cost for up to 41 additional cars (new total of 120 cars). Supplemental cars would be divided among participating Midwest Fleet Ownership consortium (currently IL, MI, MO & WI), as needed. Equipment that serves multiple states and jointly owned by multiple parties would be best for 100% federal funds. The additional cars are needed to meet forecasted demand over the next 10 years.

Installation of induction loop technology on 17 married pair coach cars in the jointly owned Midwest Next Generation single-level equipment fleet

State or JPA: Illinois

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $4,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $4,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $0

Installation of induction loop technology to assist hard of hearing passengers on jointly owned Midwest Next Generation single-level equipment on 17 married pair coach cars

Shunt enhancer devices for 33 Charger locomotives

State or JPA: Illinois

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $4,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $4,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $0

Improve shunt quality for the 33 jointly-owned Siemesn Charger locomtoives in the Midwest fleet. This would eliminate the need for additional car equipment to meet minumum axel counts from the host railraods and eliminate some opearting speed restrictions in Illinois, Michigan, and Missouri.

Mid-life overhauls of 33 Midwest state Charger locomotive fleet

State or JPA: Illinois

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $43,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $34,400,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $8,600,000

Completes required mid-life overhauls of 33 Siemens Charger locomotives owned by Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, and Wisconsin. All state-supported routes in the Midwest rely on these locomotives.

Chicago-Rockford Rail Expansion (2 daily round trips) – New/improved stations

State or JPA: Illinois

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $25,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $20,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $5,000,000

Five new cities served and four new/improved stations. The total rail corridor improvements cost of up to $275M is being funded by the State of Illinois. Federal funding is needed for new station locations including Rockford, Belvidere, and Huntley, and proposed improvements at Elgin.

St. Louis to Kansas City – Double track from Lee’s Summit to Pleasant Hill

State or JPA: Missouri

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $134,700,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $107,760,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $26,940,000

Would enable double tracking to improve capacity for both passenger and freight rail traffic, and improve reliablity on the Missouri River Runner.

St. Louis to Kansas City – Hermann Universal Crossover

State or JPA: Missouri

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $7,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $5,600,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,400,000

Would enable improvements to capacity for both passenger and freight rail traffic.

St. Louis to Kansas City – Bonnots Mill Universal Crossover

State or JPA: Missouri

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $7,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $5,600,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,400,000

Would enable improvements to capacity for both passenger and freight rail traffic.

St. Louis to Kansas City – Kingsville Siding

State or JPA: Missouri

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $17,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $13,600,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,400,000

Would enable improvements to capacity for both passenger and freight rail traffic.

St. Louis to Kansas City – Knob Noster Siding

State or JPA: Missouri

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $15,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $12,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,000,000

SEC – Raleigh to Wake Forest / Franklin Co. (Subset of SEC – Raleigh to Richmond) – Incremental Option 1 of 3

State or JPA: North Carolina

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $360,000,000 - to avoid double count it is included in the Full Build Option
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $288,000,000 - to avoid double count it is included in the Full Build Option
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $72,000,000 - to avoid double count it is included in the Full Build Option

One additional station served on the extension of an existing route. This is a subset of the full SEC - Raleigh to Richmond Corridor. Avoid double-counting funds. Matching funds are being requested through NC prioritization system.

SEC – Raleigh to Ridgeway / Warren O. (Subset of SEC – Raleigh to Richmond) – Incremental Option 2 of 3

State or JPA: North Carolina

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $874,600,000 - to avoid double count it is included in the Full Build Option
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $699,680,000 - to avoid double count it is included in the Full Build Option
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $174,920,000 - to avoid double count it is included in the Full Build Option

Two additional stations served on the extension of an existing route. This is a subset of the full SEC - Raleigh to Richmond Corridor. Avoid double-counting funds. Matching funds are being requested through NC prioritization system.

SEC – Raleigh to Petersburg, VA (Subset of SEC – Raleigh to Richmond) – Incremental Option 3 of 3

State or JPA: North Carolina

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $2,429,000,000 - to avoid double count it is included in the Full Build Option
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $1,943,200,000 - to avoid double count it is included in the Full Build Option
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $485,800,000 - to avoid double count it is included in the Full Build Option

Four cities served on new passenger rail corridor. This is a subset of the full SEC - Raleigh to Richmond Corridor. Avoid double-counting funds. Matching funds are being requested through NC prioritization system.

SEC – Raleigh to Richmond, VA – Full Build Option

State or JPA: North Carolina

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $4,000,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $3,200,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $800,000,000

Five cities served on new passenger rail corridor.

Charlotte-Raleigh Fifth Frequency (Fourth Piedmont)

State or JPA: North Carolina

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $212,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $156,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $56,000,000

One additional daily round trip on existing passenger rail corridor.

Carolinian Fleet Replacement

State or JPA: North Carolina

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $110,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $88,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $22,000,000

An additional 395 seats with new/refurbished power.

Station State of Good Repair

State or JPA: North Carolina

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $6,705,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $5,364,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,341,000

Eight new or improved stations.

SEC – Individual Grade Separations and Crossing Closures (Subset of SEC – Raleigh to Richmond)

State or JPA: North Carolina

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

Extensive safety improvements.

Oregon City Siding

State or JPA: Oregon
Project Location: View Map - View Map

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $7,383,800.00
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $3,691,900
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,691,900

Improved passenger OTP.

Superstructure Replacements for five bridges (31.71, 32.46, 139.46, 129.39, 82.55)

State or JPA: Michigan

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $22,843,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $18,274,400
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $4,568,600

Keep the corridor in a state of good repair.

Jackson Station Platform Reconfiguration – PE/NEPA

State or JPA: Michigan

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $1,492,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $1,193,600
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $298,400

Reduce total travel time between Pontiac, Michigan and Chicago to under six hours and improve reliability.

Northern Lights Express

State or JPA: Minnesota
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $575,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $460,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $115,000,000

New passenger rail service with 4 new cities served, 6 new/improved stations, the acquisition of four locomotives & 15 coaches; address 126 upgraded public railroad crossings, install 140 new miles of PTC coverage, resulting in capacity improvements that would be beneficial to both passenger rail and freight movement.

Quad Cities to Iowa City Extension Program – Final Design and Construction

State or JPA: Iowa

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $295,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $295,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $0

To date, Iowa DOT has conducted multi-party coordination with host railroad and public agency stakeholders, developed conceptual railroad operations modeling and service planning, and developed conceptual design of potential infrastructure to support the proposed implementation of a twice-daily intercity passenger rail service between Moline, Illinois, and Iowa City, Iowa. The Iowa service is anticipated as an extension of a service from Chicago to Moline under development by Illinois DOT. Carried in table as 100% Federal/0% State as no State funds have yet been identified.

Stockton Diamond Grade Separation

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $237,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $189,600,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $47,400,000

Four additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. Improved reliability. Reduced passenger rail travel time. Safety improvements at six crossings, include the grade separation of existing at-grade crossing at Airport Way. Potential closing of existing at-grade crossings. ADA compliant grade crossings. Project will separate the existing at grade crossing of the BNSF and Union Pacific Railroad in Stockton significantly increasing capacity for freight in Northern CA. $24,300,000 has been secured by SJJPA for this project. Project eliminates conflicts between BNSF and UPRR freight at the Stockton Diamond and expands capacity for passenger service growth in the Valley Rail program investments supported by the State through the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) in 2018. State funding through the ACE extension to Merced (California SB 132) could be leveraged to provide funding match for the project pending agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad on infrastructure requirements for the Merced extension.

Valley Rail Track and Signal Improvements

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $147,527,362
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $118,021,890
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $29,505,472

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. Track curve reconstruction at 4 locations, passing siding upgrades at 6 locations, and two new passing siding tracks. Project will improve the UPRR Sac Sub for passenger service, freeing up the UPRR Fresno sub for freight service.

Lodi Station

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $20,266,616
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $16,213,293
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $4,053,323

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. One new or improved station. ADA compliant station. PA&ED DEIR Circulating Final/CTC June 2020 - Component of the Valley Rail Project.

Elk Grove Station

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $25,025,291
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $20,020,233
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $5,005,058

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. One new or improved station. ADA compliant station. PA&ED DEIR Circulating Final/CTC June 2021 - Component of the Valley Rail Project.

City College Station

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $15,598,866
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $12,479,093
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,119,773

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. One new or improved station. ADA compliant station. PA&ED DEIR Circulating Final/CTC June 2022 - Component of the Valley Rail Project.

Midtown Station

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $15,579,576
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $12,463,661
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,115,915

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. One new or improved station. ADA compliant station. PA&ED DEIR Circulating Final/CTC June 2023 - Component of the Valley Rail Project.

Downtown Sacramento Mobility Projects

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $3,061,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $2,448,800
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $612,200

One new or improved station. PA&ED DEIR Circulating Final/CTC June 2024 - Component of the Valley Rail Project.

Old North Sacramento

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $22,416,809
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $17,933,447
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $4,483,362

Two additional daily round-trips. One new or improved station. ADA compliant station. PA&ED DEIR Circulating Final/CTC June 2025 - Component of the Valley Rail Project.

Natomas/Airport Station & Layover

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $33,946,714
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $27,157,371
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $6,789,343

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. One new or improved station. ADA compliant station. PA&ED DEIR Circulating Final/CTC June 2026 - Component of the Valley Rail Project.

Sacramento Subdivision Track Improvements

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $149,077,766
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $119,262,213
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $29,815,553

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. PA&ED DEIR Circulating Final/CTC June 2027 - Component of the Valley Rail Project.

Rolling Stock (Locomotives and Coaches/Cab Cars)

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $52,520,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $42,016,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $10,504,000

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. Twelve new or refurbished equipment. ADA compliant rolling stock.

San Joaquins Locomotives

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $15,480,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $12,384,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,096,000

ADA compliant rolling stock.

Stockton Regional Maintenance Facility Expansion

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $17,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $13,600,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,400,000

Improved reliability and reduced passenger rail travel time. Enhanced maintenance on existing equipment, improving reliability of equipment and reducing frequency and duration of delays. $17,000,000 has been secured by SJJPA for this Project. Project will be utilizing the Interregional Transportation Improvement Program and State Rail Assistance for funding.

Stockton Track Extension

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $23,499,182
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $18,799,346
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $4,699,836

Improved reliability and reduced passenger rail travel time. More efficient movement of trains between ACE Rail Maintenance Facility and Cabral Station, reducing safety risks. More efficient movement of trains between ACE Rail Maintenance Facility and Cabral Station, reducing interference between ACE and freight trains in the area. $22,088,242 has been secured by SJJPA for this project. Awaiting NEPA CE approval from FTA, with formal request submitting on April 8, 2020. HDR completing PS&E, awaiting C&M agreement with UPRR.

Robert J. Cabral Station Expansion

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $7,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $5,600,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,400,000

One new or improved station. Enhanced security improvements at Cabral Station and ADA compliant sidewalks. $6,860,228 has been secured by SJJPA for this project.

Mini Length – Level Boarding Platforms

State or JPA: Connecticut

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $5,200,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): 100% State Funded
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $5,200,000

One new or improved station, level boarding platforms, PIDS, security cameras, and snow melt.

Phase 3B Completion of Double Tracking

State or JPA: Connecticut

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $186,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): 100% State Funded
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $186,000,000

Will enable four additional daily round trips by double tracking and upgrading of signal system, and reduce passenger rail travel time by several minutes. Currently set at 100% State funding.

North Haven Station

State or JPA: Connecticut
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $52,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): 100% State Funded
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $52,000,000

Passenger rail service brought to new city with a new/upgraded station, level boarding platforms, parking, PIDS, security cameras, and snow melt. Currently set at 100% State funding.

West Hartford Station

State or JPA: Connecticut
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $70,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): 100% State Funded
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $70,000,000

Passenger rail service brought to new city with a new/upgraded station, level boarding platforms, parking, PIDS, security cameras, and snow melt. Currently set at 100% State funding.

Enfield Station

State or JPA: Connecticut
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $55,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): 100% State Funded
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $55,000,000

Passenger rail service brought to new city with a new/upgraded station, level boarding platforms, parking, PIDS, security cameras, and snow melt. Currently set at 100% State funding.

Windsor Replacement Station

State or JPA: Connecticut
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $62,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): 100% State Funded
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $62,000,000

New or improved station, level boarding platforms, parking, PIDS, security cameras, and snow melt. Currently set at 100% State funding.

Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor Reliability Landslide Mitigation Phase III

State or JPA: Washington

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $6,750,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $3,375,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,375,000

Eliminating service disruptions due to landslides will support achievement of the corridor operation goal of 88 percent on-time end-point performance as outlined in the 2012 Service Outcome agreement between WSDOT, BNSF and Amtrak. Freight benefit is improved system and service performance. 50/50 on Federal/State split.

Cascades – New Equipment Procurement

State or JPA: Washington

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $75,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $37,500,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $37,500,000

Replacement of aging equipment and increased performance due to reduction from equipment failures consistent with WSDOT Fleet Management Plan. 9 new or refurbished trainsets. WSDOT is one of 10 States participating in the Amtrak National Procurement for new passenger equipment. 50/50 Federal/State split.

Long Bridge Project (CSX bridge from VA to DC) : Construct additional 2 tracks

State or JPA: Virginia
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $1,979,321,119
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $1,583,456,895
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $395,864,224

Project to result in improved reliability, reduced passenger rail travel times, safety improvements, pedestrian bridge ADA improvements, and freight benefits. Project will double the existing two-track rail bridge across the Potomac River to four tracks by building a second parallel two-track rail bridge. The project is 1.8 miles long, and includes: a parallel, separated bicycle/pedestrian bridge; new bridges at George Washington Memorial Parkway, Potomac River (upstream), and WMATA Tunnel Portal; replacement bridges at I-395, Ohio Dr. SW, Washington Channel, and Maine Ave SW; and associated retaining walls. The Long Bridge is at 98% capacity in rush hour, 2/3rds is passenger rail. Unlocking this bottleneck is necessary for future growth of freight and passenger rail and facilitate faster train speeds. Project to result in increased capacity and reliability, including double the Amtrak trains in Virginia, and increased VRE service along the I-95 corridor. Lays the foundation for higher performance rail in the southeast toward Richmond, Petersburg, and North Carolina. Virginia has executed an agreement with CSX and entered into a MOU with Amtrak for funding. The Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision was issued in 2020 by DC DOT and lead federal agency FRA. PE through Construction will be led by DRPT/Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (VPRA). Expected project completion year 2030. TBD exact Federal/State/Local/Private funding mix.

Crystal City Station (Virginia Railway Express) – Improvement to existing station (construction of island platforms)

State or JPA: Virginia
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Preliminary design
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes

Total Project Cost: $50,114,619
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $40,091,695
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $10,022,924

One new or improved station, safety improvements, ADA improvement, and freight benefits, including a new island platform and lengthening of platform. Part of Amazon HQ2.TBD Federal/State/Local/Private funding mix and additional frequencies. Virginia Railway Express (VRE) lead.

Alexandria 4th Track

State or JPA: Virginia
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $163,828,598
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $131,062,878
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $32,765,720

Project to result in improved reliability, reduced passenger rail travel time, safety improvements, and freight benefits. It will reduce rail traffic congestion and improve rail operations around Alexandria Station, which will enable expanded rail capacity. The project will add approximately six miles of fourth main line track to an existing three-track portion of the RF&P rail corridor, and modify existing RO, AF, & Slaters Lane Interlockings. Project extends from Control Point Rosslyn (CFP RO) near milepost 110.1 south of the George Washington Memorial Parkway to Control Point Alexandria (CFP AF) near milepost 104.3 south of Telegraph Road. Project completion year 2026. Commonwealth has allocated $164 million for the Alexandria 4th Track projects (including a $45M FASTLANE FRA grant) CSX led final design and construction with DRPT/VPRA responsible for project oversight. TBD exact Federal/State/Local/Private funding mix.

Truck Overhaul

State or JPA: California

Design Status: Not Available(N/A)
NEPA Status: Not Available(N/A)

Total Project Cost: $9,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $7,200,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,800,000

88 new or refurbished equipment. Need to test/repair/replace frame, springs, chevrons, shocks, bearing housing, etc. 10 in SoCal were done but are due again.

Wheelchair Lift Repair

State or JPA: California

Design Status: Not Available(N/A)
NEPA Status: Not Available(N/A)

Total Project Cost: $1,147,520
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $918,016
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $229,504

88 new or refurbished equipment. Wheelchair lifts are worn out and failing. These lifts have not been repaired or overhauled. Some wheelchair lift system components are obsolete and need to be replaced per compliance with ADA regulations.

Overhaul Spares

State or JPA: California

Design Status: Not Available(N/A)
NEPA Status: Not Available(N/A)

Total Project Cost: $4,110,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $3,288,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $822,000

Refurbishing of equipment.

Vapor Stone Side Door Operator Overhaul

State or JPA: California

Design Status: Not Available(N/A)
NEPA Status: Not Available(N/A)

Total Project Cost: $10,743,574
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $8,594,859
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $2,148,715

66 new or refurbished equipment. Side door operators installed on cars from 2009 to 2011 are worn and are in need of an overhaul. Need to test/repair/replace door motors, relays, etc. Door tracks, guides, operation, etc. to be reviewed in scope.

End of Car Vestibule Diaphragm Repair

State or JPA: California

Design Status: Not Available(N/A)
NEPA Status: Not Available(N/A)

Total Project Cost: $800,800
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $640,640
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $160,160

88 new or refurbished equipment.

Waste System Overhaul on Surfliner Cars

State or JPA: California

Design Status: Not Available(N/A)
NEPA Status: Not Available(N/A)

Total Project Cost: $2,760,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $2,208,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $552,000

12 new or refurbished equipment.

Water System Upgrade on California Cars

State or JPA: California

Design Status: Not Available(N/A)
NEPA Status: Not Available(N/A)

Total Project Cost: $200,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $160,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $40,000

66 new or refurbished equipment. Waste system components need to be repaired/replaced and cleaned, e.g. rusted valves, worn out galvanized piping, etc. Need to extend Dytron modification project from Southern California fleet to NorCal.

Restroom Door Panel Repair/Interior Re-design

State or JPA: California

Design Status: Not Available(N/A)
NEPA Status: Not Available(N/A)

Total Project Cost: $660,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $528,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $132,000

88 new or refurbished equipment. Bad design of door panels resulting in doors coming apart at the floor and not locking properly. Need to repair or re-design doors. Other than rollers, door design is the original from OEM. Also, re-design flooring, Toilets (w/ new plumbing), lighting, faucet, all panels.

San Luis Obispo (Central Coast) Layover Facility (Full Build Out)

State or JPA: LOSSAN

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $67,500,607
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $41,197,106
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $26,303,501

Supports up to three additional trains on existing passenger rail corridor. Will remove existing conflict with freight operations by removing freight impact of passenger trains operations while moving to/from facility. Project will construct a new and expanded layover facility in San Luis Obispo that will improve intercity passenger rail service. The Pacific Surfliner would be able to improve the ridership, revenue, and expand service through additional layover capacity. The project will facilitate the maintenance of equipment mid-route and at route terminus. Project is currently partially funded with State funds.

Miami River Bridge project on the South Florida Rail Corridor (SFRC)

State or JPA: Florida

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $52,450,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $41,960,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $10,490,000

Primary benefits include safety, reliability, capacity, and improved on time performance. TriRail and Amtrak operations all benefit from the investment in this project.

Cematerio Bridge Replacement

State or JPA: LOSSAN

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $18,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $14,400,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,600,000

One additional daily round-trip on existing passenger rail corridor. Improved reliability. Removes existing speed restrictions, which is anticipated to save approximately 1-2 minutes of travel time. Replaces an old steel bridge and removes existing speed restrictions for both passenger and freight. This project is necessary to improve operational flexibility and reliability by removing existing speed restrictions and to allow for expansion of service.

1.7 mile segment double tracking project on the Central Florida Rail Corridor (CFRC)

State or JPA: Florida

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $11,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $8,800,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $2,200,000

Primary benefits include safety, reliability, capacity, and improved on time performance. SunRail, Amtrak, and freight operations all benefit from the investment in this project.

Seacliff Siding

State or JPA: LOSSAN

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $32,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $25,600,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $6,400,000

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. Improved reliability. Provides additional corridor capacity allowing for increased freight and passenger services.

Providence Station SOGR Project

State or JPA: Rhode Island

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $25,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $12,500,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $12,500,000

Station will be brought up to full ADA compliance. This is a state-of-good repair project to bring Providence Station, built in 1986, up to code and standards with new restroom facilities, heating/electrical, fire code, police area, expanded passenger seating and building expansion with retail. RIDOT has received a Federal-State Partnership grant from FRA.

BWI Rail Station and 4th Track Project

State or JPA: Maryland

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $602,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $481,600,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $120,400,000

One city served on new passenger rail corridor. One new or improved station. Amtrak-led project.

Carpinteria Second Track

State or JPA: LOSSAN

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $17,178,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $6,500,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $10,678,000

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor, one new or improved station, and improved reliability. Provides additional corridor capacity allowing for increased freight and passenger services.

Carpinteria Ped Underpass

State or JPA: LOSSAN

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $12,288,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $9,830,400
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $2,457,600

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor and one new or improved station. Creates a safe route for people to cross the tracks. Creates a safe and ADA accessible route for people to cross the tracks.

Carpinteria Second Platform

State or JPA: LOSSAN

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $2,472,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $1,977,600
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $494,400

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor and one new or improved station.

Leesdale Siding

State or JPA: LOSSAN

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $26,170,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $20,936,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $5,234,000

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. Improved reliability. Creates a new passing siding between the Oxnard and Camarillo stations, eliminating need for trains to hold at either station for meets and reducing overall travel time by removing need for recovery time in schedule. Provides additional corridor capacity allowing for increased freight and passenger services.

San Diego County Layover and Maintenance Facility (Full Build Out)

State or JPA: LOSSAN

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $135,778,748
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $107,339,088
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $28,439,660

Will support up to three additional trains for service on existing passenger rail corridor. Two additional stations served on existing route. Will provide for a more secure and safer location to maintain the fleet, which is currently maintained each night at the San Diego station, which is open to the public. Proposed location for facility is along right-of-way owned by BNSF and improvements will be required to the existing track infrastructure allowing for faster and more frequent service on the line, which serves the Port of San Diego. Project will design and construct a new and larger layover and maintenance facility for the Pacific Surfliner in San Diego County. Federal 80%/State, Local, Private 20% shares are for illustrative purposes only and any proposed project shares may differ.

Newark Regional Transportation Center

State or JPA: Delaware

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $87,609,807
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $22,250,794
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $65,359,013

One new or improved station. Construction of new pedestrian bridge and high level platform will improve accessibility to the platform and trains. The new construction will eliminate existing track level and "mini-high" platforms. Because of FTA grants associated with this project, there is not a standard 80/20 split. This project is being constructed under several construction contracts, with some phases complete, some under construction and others in final design. Impacts of the project are expected to improve rail operations, safety, movement of freight and passengers along the NEC between Wilmington and Newark. These expectations will be quantified after the work is completed, which is anticipated for 2023.

Claymont Station

State or JPA: Delaware

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $71,711,235
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $42,365,935
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $29,345,300

One new or improved station. Construction of the new platform that will improve ADA access to platform and trains. Because of FTA grants associated with this project, there is not a standard 80/20 split. This project is being designed and constructed utilizing Design/Build project delivery. Impacts of the project are expected to improve rail operations, safety and passengers. These expectations will be quantified after the work is completed, which is anticipated for 2022.

Track A Winans to Bridge

State or JPA: Maryland

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status:

Total Project Cost: $16,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $12,800,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,200,000

Upgrade to existing track line in Baltimore.

New Carrollton Second Platform

State or JPA: Maryland

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

One new or improved station. Cost estimate unknown; Amtrak-led project.

Union Station Sub-basement

State or JPA: Maryland

Design Status: Final design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

One new or improved station. Cost estimate unknown; Amtrak-led project.

Susquehanna Bridge Replacement

State or JPA: Maryland

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $1,800,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $1,440,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $360,000,000

Maintain Norfolk Southern freight access to Port of Baltimore and Bayview Yard. Amtrak-led project.

B&P Tunnel Replacement

State or JPA: Maryland

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Complete

Total Project Cost: $4,000,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $3,200,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $800,000,000

One new or improved station. ADA improvement-West Baltimore MARC Station. Amtrak-led project.

Portland Station Relocation

State or JPA: NNEPRA

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $30,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $24,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $6,000,000

Would reduce travel time between Brunswick and Portland and points south by 15 minutes, improve one station, eliminates back-up/reverse move, and improves freight movement.

Heartland Flyer Extension

State or JPA: Kansas/ Oklahoma

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $124,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $99,200,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $24,800,000

Construction of additional rail infrastructure, installation of positive train control, and signage on existing rail lines connecting Newton, KS to Oklahoma City, OK with a 79mph passenger rail service. Note: These cost estimates will be further refined after the completion of the service development plan.

Heartland Flyer Extension – Service Development Plan Update

State or JPA: Kansas

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $400,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $0
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $400,000

Update the 2011 Service Development Plan to current standards and conditions. The plan will outline detailed costs, ridership and revenue forecasts, and a comprehensive operations analysis. A detailed implementation plan will also be included.

Arundel Siding

State or JPA: NNEPRA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $15,600,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $12,480,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,120,000

Improves on-time-performance and freight movement.

Atlanta-Chattanooga High Speed Rail

State or JPA: Georgia

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $8,700,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $6,960,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,740,000,000

Five cities served on new passenger rail corridor and 8 new or improved stations. Project would include new Atlanta passenger station, which would reduce delay to NS freight when passengers load/unload. Tier 1 NEPA was completed in 2017 and no support has arisen to continue with Tier 2. GA has not made a commitment to fund or continue this project at this time. Results here are based on the Tier 1 Preferred Corridor. Tennessee has expressed interest in studying state-supported Amtrak service between Georgia and Tennessee, which would differ from the high speed Tier 1 study. Please note that Georgia has not made a commitment to fund or continue this project at this time. Federal 80%/State, Local, Private 20% shares are for illustrative purposes only and any proposed project shares may differ.

Kingston Siding

State or JPA: NNEPRA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $12,600,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $10,080,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $2,520,000

Improves on-time-performance and freight movement.

Atlanta-Charlotte High Speed Rail

State or JPA: Georgia

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $8,400,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $6,720,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,680,000,000

Seven cities served on new passenger rail corridor, 6 new or improved stations, and reduced passenger rail travel time. Project would include new Atlanta passenger station, which would reduce delay to NS freight when passengers load/unload. Tier 1 NEPA is in progress. GA has not made a commitment to continue with Tier 2 at this time. Results here are based on the presumed Preferred Corridor, which has not been approved by FRA yet. Federal 80%/State, Local, Private 20% shares are for illustrative purposes only and any proposed project shares may differ. Please note that no financial commitment has yet been made from Georgia to the project.

T.F. Green Airport Intercity Rail PE Project

State or JPA: Rhode Island

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $3,500,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $2,800,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $700,000

Ten additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. One new or improved station. Station will be fully ADA compliant. This project is for preliminary engineering (PE) and NEPA only. It is being led by RIDOT with Amtrak as a partner. RIDOT received a CRISI grant for this project.

Rollinsford Siding

State or JPA: NNEPRA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $12,600,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $10,080,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $2,520,000

Improves on-time-performance and freight movement.

Baltimore-Washington SC Maglev

State or JPA: Maryland

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: In progress
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

Two cities served by new passenger rail corridor and three new or improved stations. Includes three new stations in Baltimore, BWI Airport, and Washington, DC.

Gwynn Interlocking

State or JPA: Maryland

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $80,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $64,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $16,000,000

Improved reliability. Amtrak-led project.

New Station Platform Exit 53

State or JPA: NNEPRA

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $6,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $4,800,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,200,000

Improves station and increases ridership.

Baton Rouge – New Orleans

State or JPA: Louisiana

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $280,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $224,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $56,000,000

Spearheaded by Southern Rail Commission. Cost is only capital cost, not subsidy. Would establish new passenger rail corridor serving four new cities and result in six new/improved stations.

Wilkens Interlocking

State or JPA: Maryland

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $80,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $64,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $16,000,000

Improved reliability. Amtrak-led project.

New Orleans – Mobile

State or JPA: Louisiana

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $1,290,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $1,032,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $258,000,000

Capital cost estimate varies greatly ($180M -$2.4B) - midpoint of range used in table ($1.29B).

Martin Airport Station High Platforms

State or JPA: Maryland

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

One new or improved station. ADA improvement - high-level platforms. Cost estimate unknown; Amtrak-led project.

Passenger Rail Between Chicago and Indianapolis – Lafayette Yard and Kraft Runner Connection

State or JPA: Indiana

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $9,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $7,200,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,800,000

Extend exisitng Lafayette yard lead tracks and add additional crossovers. Construct new railroad bridge at Widewater. Connect the Kraft Runner tracks with a universal crossover, creating a 28,000 foot long siding.

Passenger Rail Between Chicago and Indianapolis – Cherry Grove improvements including new railroad bridges

State or JPA: Indiana

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $10,500,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $8,400,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $2,100,000

New siding at Cherry Grove that includes closing an at-grade crossing at CR E 400. New railroad bridges at Black Creek and Unnamed Stream that includes new single track bridge adjacent to existing bridge

Passenger Rail Between Chicago and Indianapolis- Siding Improvements or extensions

State or JPA: Indiana

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $53,500,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $42,800,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $10,700,000

Extend the siding at five locations at Shelby, New Surrey, West Pass, Brookston and South Raub

Passenger Rail Between Chicago and Indianapolis – New station at Indianapolis Airport

State or JPA: Indiana

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $16,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $12,800,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,200,000

New station near Indianapolis International Airport. Construction of a new station/platform and parking and approximately one mile of new track; new grade-separated structure for second track, new track/turnouts, signal system improvements.

Passenger Rail Between Chicago and Indianapolis Local speed improvements

State or JPA: Indiana

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $17,500,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $14,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,500,000

Incremental improvements to bring daily service with two round trips and speed of 79 mph over passenger rail between Indianapolis and Chicago. Realignment and mitigation for local speed restrictions in Monon; Crossing upgrade in Reynolds and improvement in Clermont, Battle Ground and Jamestown.

Oakland to San Jose Service Expansion Phase 2B

State or JPA: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority
Project Location: View Map

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $2,300,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $1,840,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $460,000,000

Eight additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor and 16-24 new cars required. Improve freight capacity by separating passenger and freight rail traffic. Largely a sea level rise adaptation project; wetlands restoration project too. Multiple angles on funding approach. Federal 80%/State, Local, Private 20% shares are for illustrative purposes only and any proposed project shares may differ.

Charlottesville Station – Improvement to existing station and site; acquire station property

State or JPA: Virginia
Project Location: View Map

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $225,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $180,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $45,000,000

One new or improved station, safety improvement, ADA improvement, and freight benefits. TBD Federal/State/Local/Private funding mix and additional frequencies. Acquire station property at approximately $85 million. Property is currently privately owned with market-rate lease payments being paid by Amtrak. Redevelop station site with ample parking and bus circulation. Add station siding with high level platforms. Initial concept study underway. Community pursuing BUILD grant for further study and design.

New Transbay Rail Crossing (conventional rail crossing between San Francisco and East Bay)

State or JPA: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority
Project Location: View Map

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $15,000,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $12,000,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,000,000,000

Four cities served on new passenger rail corridor, four additional stations served on extension of existing route, four new or improved stations, TBD but design to 125 mph; express services; frequency, etc. Length of corridor undetermined but significant travel time reduction envisioned. Full fleet replacement, need electric or minimum dual mode. Freight capacity replacement will be a required strategy and project outcome for obtaining sufficient passenger rights/capacity. The most massive Bay Area transportation investment in generations. VERY preliminary estimates that have not been extensively studied. Do not rely upon estimates or project detail here. Infrastructure will construct a new conventional rail crossing between San Francisco and Oakland accommodating approximately 32 frequencies, including integrated regional and intercity services and direct connections between Sacramento, San Francisco, and San Jose coordinated with Caltrain investment on the San Francisco Peninsula as identified in the State Rail Plan. Federal 80%/State, Local, Private 20% shares are for illustrative purposes only and any proposed project shares may differ.

Jefferson City Third Main

State or JPA: Missouri

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $11,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $8,800,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $2,200,000

Adding a third track.

Staples Mill Station – Improvement to existing station

State or JPA: Virginia
Project Location: View Map

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $140,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $112,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $28,000,000

One new or improved station, safety improvement, ADA improvement, and freight benefits. TBD Federal/State/Local/Private funding mix and additional frequencies. Busiest Amtrak station in southeast US. Requires upgrades to station building, platform area, station track, parking/transit circulation, etc. TOD design study underway in partnership with FRA, Amtrak, local government/transit provider, other stakeholders. NEPA complete as part of DC2RVA project.

Independence Street Bridge Construction

State or JPA: Missouri

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $24,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $19,200,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $4,800,000

Bridge work enhancing passenger and freight rail.

New Haven Line Track Speed Improvement

State or JPA: Connecticut

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $320,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $256,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $64,000,000

Improved reliability, reduced passenger rail travel time by 15 minutes from New Haven, CT to New York City.

Jefferson City new station

State or JPA: Missouri

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $14,400,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $11,520,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $2,880,000

Development of a new station in the State's Capital.

Newington Station

State or JPA: Connecticut
Project Location: View Map

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $38,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $30,400,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $7,600,000

Would add a new station, with level boarding platform, snow melt, new parking lot and supports Transit Oriented Development opportunities.

Pleasant Hill to Jefferson City Double track (PE and NEPA)

State or JPA: Missouri

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $10,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $8,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $2,000,000

Would enable double tracking for increased capacity.

Station Upgrades in Kirkwood

State or JPA: Missouri

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $3,500,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $2,800,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $700,000

Improves station and increases ridership.

San Joaquin Corridor 2nd Platform

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $20,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $16,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $4,000,000

Improved reliability and reduced passenger rail travel time with faster boarding. ADA compliant station.

Altamont Corridor Vision

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

Improved reliability and reduced passenger rail travel time with faster boarding. ADA compliant station.

Station Upgrades in Independence

State or JPA: Missouri

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $430,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $344,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $86,000

Improves station and increases ridership.

Modesto and Turlock-Denair Second Platforms (San Joaquins) 

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $20,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $16,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $4,000,000

Reduced conflicts with freight for increased reliability and reduced passenger rail travel time. DB Network Integration.

Study – Extension of Carl Sandberg train to link Hannibal to Chicago

State or JPA: Missouri

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $343,750
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $275,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $68,750

Extension of an existing route with the possible addition of one new city served with a new station.

Madera Station Relocation

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $26,700,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $21,360,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $5,340,000

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor and one new or improved station. ADA compliant station. PA&ED December 2020.

Study – Extension of Missouri River Runner train to link St. Joseph to Kansas City and St. Louis

State or JPA: Missouri

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $593,750
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $475,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $118,750

Extension of an existing route with the possible addition of two new cities served with new or improved stations.

Study – New Route to Connect Branson, Springfield, and Joplin with Kansas City

State or JPA: Missouri

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $1,343,750
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $1,075,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $268,750

Examination of possible new route that would expand to five new cities served with all new or improved stations.

Oakley Station Platform

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $8,623,119
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $6,898,495
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,724,624

One new or improved station. ADA compliant station. Amtrak Design.

BNSF Projects – Empire Crossover

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $4,814,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $3,851,200
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $962,800

CTC funds request needed for Design and Construction.

BNSF Projects – Kern Junction Signaling

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $7,700,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $6,160,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,540,000

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. CTC funds request needed for Design and Construction.

Turlock-Denair Bus Loop

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $600,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $480,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $120,000

Final Design coordinating with Stanislaus County.

Charlotte-Raleigh Additional Services

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $900,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $720,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $180,000,000

Three additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. To arrive at estimated total cost used cost per mile for double track – estimated at $7.7 million per mile in 2019 dollars. Assumed approximately 60 miles of double track along with an assumed 5 grade separations at $15 million each, plus 25% for right of way and an added 30% contingency.

Merced Station Second Platform

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $10,300,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $8,240,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $2,060,000

One new or improved station. Improved reliability and reduced passenger rail travel time with faster boarding. ADA compliant station. Design complete, construction out to bid.

Gastonia to Charlotte Rail Service

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $260,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $208,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $52,000,000

Three cities served on new passenger rail corridor.

Merced Parking Expansion

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $900,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $720,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $180,000

Working with USPS for RW Exchange.

Charlotte to Kings Mountain Rail Service

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $730,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $584,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $146,000,000

Three cities served on new passenger rail corridor.

Channel Street Improvements

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $5,300,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $4,240,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,060,000

One new or improved station. ADA sidewalks, ADA ramps, crossings, etc. Siegfried Completing PAED. Final Design/PS&E.

Charlotte to Raleigh Running Time Improvements (H-Line between Raleigh and Greensboro)

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

Restore schedule pad lost in PTC implementation. Reduced passenger rail travel time by 11 minutes. Goal to cut running time between Raleigh and Charlotte to 3 hours.

San Joaquins Mini-High Platforms

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $5,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $4,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,000,000

One new or improved station, improved reliability and reduced passenger rail travel time with faster boarding. Allows level boarding. Jacobs Completing PS&E.

Greensboro to Raleigh Grade Separations

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

Significantly improve safety with grade separations at five locations.

Stockton Wye

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $8,716,689
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $6,973,351
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $1,743,338

Two additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor. Freight benefit is reduced conflicts. UPRR Completing Environmental and Design. Project will utilize State Rail Assistance funding.

Piedmont Extension to Selma

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $50,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $40,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $10,000,000

Two additional stations served on extension of existing route.

Merced Interim Track Connection (MITC)

State or JPA: San Joaquin JPA

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
NEPA Status: Not Started
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $154,865,638
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $123,892,510
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $30,973,128

Eleven additional daily round-trips on existing passenger rail corridor, one new or improved station. Project allows reliable connections between ACE/San Joaquins and California High Speed Rail. 20-30 minute shorter transfer time between ACE/San Joaquins and CHSR. ADA compliant station. Project is critical to provide cross-platform transfers between HSR and ACE/San Joaquins services. Project expected to serve 18 HSR roundtrips and up to 18 ACE/San Joaquins roundtrips upon opening. DEIR Expected 2022.

Piedmont Extension to Goldsboro

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $124,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $99,200,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $24,800,000

Three additional stations served on extension of existing route. Also includes Raleigh to Selma.

Weldon Station

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $10,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $8,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $2,000,000

One new or improved station.

Detroit New Center Multi-Modal Transportation Center – New Station: Construction

State or JPA: Michigan

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $57,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $45,600,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $11,400,000

Rebuilding current station to add bus facilities.

Chicago-Detroit/Pontiac Passenger Rail Corridor Program – CP Beaubien and CP Milwaukee Jct

State or JPA: Michigan

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $18,364,548
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $14,691,638
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,672,910

Would enable seven additional daily round trips.

Lexington Station

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $20,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $16,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $4,000,000

One new or improved station.

Chicago-Detroit/Pontiac Passenger Rail Corridor Program – Battle Creek Flyover

State or JPA: Michigan

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $147,400,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $117,920,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $29,480,000

Would enable seven additional daily round trips.

Chicago-Detroit/Pontiac Passenger Rail Corridor Program – Glenwood to Niles Double Track

State or JPA: Michigan

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $160,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $128,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $32,000,000

Reduce total travel time between Pontiac, Michigan and Chicago to under six hours and improve reliability.

Chicago-Detroit/Pontiac Passenger Rail Corridor Program – Station and Terminal Upgrades

State or JPA: Michigan

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $81,174,600
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $64,939,680
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $16,234,920

Would enable seven additional daily round trips.

Battle Creek Station Connection

State or JPA: Michigan

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? Yes

Total Project Cost: $20,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $16,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $4,000,000

Would allow for 7-10 minute decrease in trip time.

Wilmington – Raleigh

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $300,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $240,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $60,000,000

Six cities served on new passenger rail corridor.

Michigan Line: Maintenance-of-Way Facility

State or JPA: Michigan

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $15,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $12,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $3,000,000

Construct a new facility.

Asheville – Salisbury / Piedmont Service

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $450,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $360,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $90,000,000

Nine cities served on new passenger rail corridor.

Fayetteville – Raleigh Service

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

Four cities served on new passenger rail corridor.

Western North Carolina Service

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $443,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $354,400,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $88,600,000

Concept provides Raleigh to Ashville Service. Eight new towns / cities. Five additional stops are along existing Piedmont route.

Front Range Passenger Rail Study

State or JPA: Colorado
Project Location: View Map

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

Currently in Pre-NEPA and Service Development Planning stages, passenger rail service would provide a much needed additional travel option for Coloradoans living along the highly-congested 180-mile I-25 Corridor. Connecting major population centers and employers, passenger rail will create a transportation backbone that will alleviate projected further congestion issues in the future as well as connect to other transit options along the Front Range.

Southeastern North Carolina Service

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $287,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $229,600,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $57,400,000

Connects Raleigh to Wlimington

Southwest Chief Thru-Car Feasibility Study

State or JPA: Colorado

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

A 2019 CRISI Grant award will allow the analysis of Southwest Chief Thru-Car Service from La Junta to Colorado Springs and Pueblo for the Amtrak's Southwest Chief long-distance train. This future connection will provide easier access to Colorado's Front Range cities for members of the military, tourism, and health care opportunities, as well as serve as a precursor to future Front Range Passenger Rail service. 

Charlotte-Raleigh 6th Frequency (5th Piedmont)

State or JPA: North Carolina

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

One additional frequency on existing passenger rail corridor.

Portland Union Station Resolving PTC Initialization/Interference

State or JPA: Oregon

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

Freight benefit is reduces loss of PTC connectivity. Train sheds & nearby bridges inhibit PTC transmissions, causing delays by interfering with PTC initiation for psgr trains departing Portland.

Eugene Maintenance Facility

State or JPA: Oregon

Identified in State Rail Plan? Yes
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $43,450,413
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $34,760,330
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $8,690,082

As the southern terminus of Cascades service it is the ideal location for a facility to help maintain cars and locomotives assigned to the corridor as more service frequencies are added and the rolling stock fleet grows.

Woodburn Siding

State or JPA: Oregon

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $4,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $3,200,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $800,000

Freight benefit is improved line fluidity. Creates a controlled siding at Woodburn where none now exists; adds another facility for meeting and passing freight & psgr trains. Federal 80%/State, Local, Private 20% shares are for illustrative purposes only and any proposed project shares may differ.

Resolving PTC Variability at Steel Bridge

State or JPA: Oregon

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

Freight benefit is reduces loss of PTC connectivity. The metallic bulk of this 100+ years old bridge can interfere with transmission of PTC signals, delaying both psgr & freight trains crossing river.

Salem Yard Power Switches

State or JPA: Oregon

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No

Total Project Cost: $2,500,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $2,000,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $500,000

Freight benefit is speeds clearing mainline. Salem is homebase for 2 local freights. Powering switches will allow dispatcher to throw switches for entering & leaving mainline, eliminating need for crew person to handle switches manually, saving time and minimizing delay to psgr trains. Federal 80%/State, Local, Private 20% shares are for illustrative purposes only and any proposed project shares may differ.

Eugene Siding Power Switch

State or JPA: Oregon

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

Freight benefit is reduces delay. Powers switch providing access/egress between Irving siding & north end of Eugene yard; ends manual handling & increases velocity of freight traffic & lessens interference with psgr trains.

Franconia-Springfield Bypass

State or JPA: Virginia
Project Location: View Map

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: In progress

Total Project Cost: $241,400,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $193,120,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $48,280,000

The Franconia-Springfield Bypass project, just south of Franconia-Springfield Station, will allow passenger trains to crossover to serve stations on the west side of the railroad corridor when traveling north of Franconia and on the east side of the rail corridor when traveling south of the Franconia-Springfield Station (which aligns operation plans to separate passenger and freight services). Project construction involves a single track on a bypass bridge with accommodations for a future second track. Project Benefit: reduces conflict with freight trains when passenger trains cross the corridor to serve VRE and Amtrak stations on the west side (north of Franconia) and on the east side (south of Franconia).

Chicago-Detroit/Pontiac – Blackman Township Bridge – PE/NEPA

State or JPA: Michigan

Design Status: Concept design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $1,500,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $1,200,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $300,000

Rebuild existing bridge.

CSX/Michigan Line Connector east of New Buffalo – PE/NEPA

State or JPA: Michigan

Design Status: Preliminary design
NEPA Status: Not Started

Total Project Cost: $1,836,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $1,468,800
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $367,200

Allows Pere Marquette to utilize Amtrak-owned trackage, enhancing reliability and increased access to residents of SW Michigan.

Richmond Layover Facility

State or JPA: Virginia
Project Location: View Map

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $35,600,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $28,480,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $7,120,000

Planning, design, and construction of a Layover Facility and tracks for storage and light servicing of existing Amtrak trains serving Main Street Station in Richmond, VA. It will also accommodate planned service growth through 2030. This project is necessary as part of the Transforming Rail in Virginia initiative, as it will reduce rail congestion in and near CSX's Acca yard in Richmond, VA - between Staples Mill Station and Richmond Main Street Station.

Chicago-Detroit/Pontiac Passenger Rail Corridor Program – Wayne Junction PE/NEPA

State or JPA: Michigan

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? No
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: $2,000,000
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): $1,600,000
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  $400,000

Would enable seven additional daily round trips.

South of the Lake Corridor Improvements

State or JPA: Michigan

Identified in State Rail Plan? No
Feasibility-level Study Complete? Yes
NEPA Started? No

Total Project Cost: TBD
Federal 80% (unless noted differently): TBD
State, local, private 20% (unless noted differently):  TBD

New station construction.